I'm a graphic design and video game design student. A die-hard modder of just about everything and an avid gamer and Zune supporter.

Image showing what I am talking about: https://i.imgur.com/6Zzg12s.png

Left is original start11, version 1.4 something before I upgraded to 1.5 and then to 2.0. Right is 2.0.

As you can see on 2.0 it is rounding the edges of my custom tiles which I wouldn't mind but it's leaving the old w10 transparent square tile behind. Now if we could get an option to have rounded w10 transparent square tile that would be amazing but if not than it would be nice to have this restored so when using the squares custom tiles don't get rounded and have these edge bits.


As a side request, option to disable 'Suggested' in the Windows 10 style. Maybe I just don't see it but I didn't have that before upgrading to 2.0 and would be nice to remove.

on Feb 07, 2024

Sorry to hear you are having issues. I am not sure if you're talking about that square gray background tile? You can hide that if you turn on "Use Windows 11 menu style icons"

Disable suggested app list. Right click should bring up menu to un-tick that option.

Stardock Community Assistant.

on Feb 07, 2024

Ah never thought to right click over there lol thanks. 

For my main issue, I want the transparent square background, the problem is that on 2.0 when I put a custom tile like I have there for my games it rounds the edges in 2.0 where as previously it left them square. Another screenshot where I have highlighted the issue: https://i.imgur.com/pOstANu.png So now when using the windows 10 style you can't get straight edge custom tiles because it automatically rounds them. 

I actually would like to use the Windows 11 style but the reason why I haven't is because when you have custom icons set the outline goes to the Windows 10 square style. Since I use a mix of app and custom icons I didn't like the inconsistency so I just stuck with the Windows 10 style which I was fine with. Here's what I mean about the inconsistency: https://i.imgur.com/ybsYQr4.png https://i.imgur.com/ju8ikd5.png 

But now the Windows 10 style is being hurt by this auto cropping round edges into full tile images so you get the square W10 style behind the rounded image which doesn't look good.

So basically my bug report/request is that when using the Windows 10 style transparent square background, don't crop full art tiles into rounded corners.

And/or give us an option to have the windows 10 style transparent square background but with the rounded corners of windows 11.

on Feb 07, 2024

Although not ideal, you could size your custom icons smaller than the bounding box so that they don't reach the round corners.

on Feb 07, 2024

There is a small issue with slightly different radius values being used for the grey background and the icons.  In the next update the icons will be slightly less rounded which should resolve this.

You are able to set Start11 to not round anything and this will include the entire menu itself as well.

on Feb 08, 2024

Alright looking forward to the update.

I personally do like all the round edges and that of W11 it's just that inconsistency I mentioned of when you use a custom image you get square background+outline and when using app icon you get the rounded background.